
Roula Hawa, PhD, MSc, MPH, BEd, OCT

Name:Roula Hawa, PhD, MSc, MPH, BEd, OCT
Position:Adjunct Professor


I am passionate about teaching. A seasoned teacher educator, I taught in the area of Family Studies in Continuing Teacher Education, Faculty of Education at Queen's University for several years. I also have teaching and educational leadership experience in Ontario's K-12 Catholic and public education system, where I was a secondary school teacher and Department Head for Social Sciences and Humanities- Family Studies. At the high school level, I taught science courses and a wide range of social science and family studies courses. I have extensive curriculum writing experience and was a lead writer for Ontario's Revised Social Sciences and Humanities-Family Studies curriculum that was released in 2013. I also have curriculum writing experience at the post- secondary level at Ryerson University in the area of Family Support.

My research is community-engaged with a focus on health equity in the area of sexual health and HIV prevention among racialized women and youth groups using anti-colonial and anti-oppression frameworks. A long-time advocate for youth in school settings and youth and women in the community, I have expertise in mixed-method interventions and community-based participatory research.

一般来说,我是一个多方法研究with expertise in applying critical feminist, intersectional, anti-colonial and anti-oppression frameworks, and social determinants perspective in all of my research. The focus of my research is on resilience and well-being of vulnerable populations. My approach to research is transdisciplinary, where I engage with communities to clear spaces for multiple voices that have been excluded in dominant discourse.

Research Interests

Educational Leadership
Youth engagement and mental health
Identity-based bullying in schools
Parent engagement in schools
Healthy Schools; food security and healthy eating
Resilience using social ecological frameworks; family and community resilience.
HIV prevention intervention involving racialized and immigrant women and youth groups
Youth sexual health and HIV prevention
Women's sexual and reproductive health
Health and well-being of vulnerable populations


2021-23. Kteily-Hawa, R. (Nominated Principal Investigator), Ongoiba, F. (Principal Knowledge User), Wong, J. & Vahabi, M. (Co-PIs). $40,000. Awarded. Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CANFAR), Innovation Research Grant. "Developing an Innovative, Youth-Driven and Resilience-Based HIV Prevention Intervention for Young People from Middle Eastern and North African Communities (MENA) in Canada".

2020-22. Kteily-Hawa, R. (Co-Principal Investigator), Gillis, R.J. (Nominated Principal Investigator), Ahmed, SI (Co-PI), Goldstein, A. (Co-PI), Logie, C. (Co-PI) & Xu, Y (Co-PI). $467, 844. Awarded. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Operating Grant: COVID-19 Social dynamics, communication and trust. "Responding to the Stigma, Fear, Discrimination, and Misinformation Related to the COVID-19 Disease Outbreak: A Novel Analyses and Intervention for a Novel Coronavirus".

2019-21. Kteily-Hawa, R. (Nominated Principal Investigator), Loutfy, M. (Co-Principal Investigator) & Vijayanathan, H. (Principal Knowledge User). $39,000. Awarded. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), HIV/AIDS CBR Catalyst Grant. "Youth Sexual Health and HIV/STI Prevention in Middle Eastern and North African Communities Globally and in Ontario (YSMENA Study): Community-Engaged, Youth-Driven Catalyst Intervention".

2019-21. Kteily-Hawa, R. (Nominated Principal Investigator), Loutfy, M. (Co-Principal Investigator) & Vijayanathan, H. (Principal Knowledge User). $18,500. Awarded. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), HIV/AIDS Planning and Dissemination Grant. "Exploring Youth Sexual Health Needs in Middle Eastern and North African Communities (YSMENA Study): A Planning and Knowledge Exchange Initiative to Develop a Research Network to Address Barriers in HIV Prevention".

2017-25. Hawa, R. (Co-Investigator and Program Expert). Loutfy, M., (Nominated Principal Investigator). $3,780,885. Awarded. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Foundation Grant. "Impactful Research with Diverse Women Living with and at Risk of HIV in Canada: Women Centred HIV Care Policy for Young Women Living with HIV"


2017-18. Hawa, R. (Co-Investigator) (Andani, N. and Loutfy, M., Principal Investigators). $20,000. Awarded. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Planning and Dissemination Grant. "Review of New Research Opportunities Related to Healthy Aging in the Community in Women with HIV Infection Living in Canada".

2014-16. Kteily-Hawa, R. (Principal Investigator). $50,000. Awarded. Ontario Ministry of Education. "Building Capacity in Food Security, Healthier Food Choices and Mental Health for High School Students".

2014-15. Kteily-Hawa, R. (Co-Investigator), Chikermane, V. (Principal Investigator) & Wong, JPH (Co-Principal Investigator). $15,000. Awarded. Women's Xchange Program at the Women's College Research Institute, University of Toronto. "Story-Sharing for Sexual Health: A Pilot Study Exploring Story-Sharing as a Culturally-Relevant Intervention to Promote Women-Centered Sexual Health".

2012-15. Kteily-Hawa, R. (Principal Investigator). $30,000. Awarded. Ontario Ministry of Education, Blue Print Grant. "Integrating Technology in the Classroom, Modern Learning, Teacher Professional Development and Youth Engagement".


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto, Ontario, Leadership, Higher and Adult Education.

Bachelor of Eduction (BEd), OISE, University of Toronto, Ontario.
中级/高级家庭研究&General Science.
Basic Qualifications in Junior Division.

Master of Science (MSc), University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
Family Studies (Human Ecology), Thesis Stream.

Master of Public Health (MPH), American University of Beirut, Lebanon.
Research Internship: School of Health Sciences, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. (funded by: Community Action Program of the National Drug Strategy, Health and Welfare Canada).


Administrative Leadership Qualifications, Principal Qualifications Parts I and II.
Ontario College of Teachers, Ontario, Canada.

Certificate in Foundations of Indigeneity, Equity, and Anti-Racism in Education, Ontario.



Kteily-Hawa, R., Hari, S., Wong, J.P., Chikermane, V., Chambers, L., Vahabi, M. (2021). Designing A Peer Leader Training Manual for Community-Based Sexual Health Research: Action-Oriented Implications for Adult Education. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 33 (1), 19-34.

Kteily-Hawa, R., Hari, S., Soor, J., Wong, J.P., Chikermane, V., Chambers, L., Vahabi, M. (2020). Paradigm Shifts in Sexual Health: Quantitative Analysis of Story and Fact-Based Health Education Interventions. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality (CJHS), 29 (1), 45-56.

Hawa, R., Underhill, A., Logie, C.. Islam, S., & Loutfy, M. (2019). South Asian Immigrant Women's Suggestions for Culturally-Tailored HIV Education and Prevention Programs. Ethnicity & Health, 24 (8), 945-959.

Kteily-Hawa, R., Hari, S., Wong, J.P.H., Chikermane, V., & Chambers, L. (2019). Development and Implementation of Peer Leader Training for Community-Based Participatory Sexual Health Research. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 13 (3), 303-319.

Kteily-Hawa、R。L。沃伦的大使,M,假珠宝饰物,C。H., Islam, S., Kaida, A., ... & Loutfy, M. (2019). Examining Multilevel Factors Associated with the Process of Resilience among Women Living with HIV in a Large Canadian Cohort Study: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC), 18, 1-16.

Kteily-Hawa, R., Andany, N., Wang, Y, Logie, C.H., Tharao, W., Conway, T., ... & Loutfy, M. (2019). Quality of Life of Women Living with HIV: Comparative Assessment of Physical and Mental Health-Related Markers in Younger and Older Women Using a Large Canadian Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study. HIV Research & Clinical Practice, 20 (2), 35-47.

Kteily-Hawa, R.N., Islam, S. & Loutfy, M. (2019). Immigration as a Crisis Tendency for HIV Vulnerability among Racialized Women Living with HIV in Ontario Canada: An Anti-Oppressive Lens. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 21(2), 121-133.

Wong, J.P., Kteily-Hawa, R., Chambers, L.A., Hari, S., Chikermane, V., Ragulan, S., Islam, S., Vahabi. M. (2019). Exploring the Use of Fact-Based and Story-Based Learning Materials for HIV/STI Prevention and Sexual Health Promotion with South Asian Women in Toronto, Canada. Health Education Research, 34 (1), 27-37.

Hawa, R., Underhill, A., Logie, C. & Loutfy, M. (2018). Social contexts and HIV Vulnerabilities among South Asian Women in the Greater Toronto Area: Examining Social Norms. Health Care for Women International, 39(2), 129-153.

Kteily-Hawa, R.N. (2018). Women's Illness Narratives: Storytelling as Art-Informed Inquiry. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 30(2), 91-100.

Logie, C., Wang, Y., Kazemi, M., Hawa, R., Islam, S., Kaida, A, ... & Loutfy, M. (2018). Exploring Social Ecological Pathways from Resilience to Quality of Life among Women Living with HIV in Canada. AIDS Care, 30:sup5, S67-S75.

Zhang, P., & Kteily-Hawa, R. (2018). Poetry, Prose and Personhood: The Art of Storytelling with the Homeless. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 30(2), 69-79.

Kteily-Hawa, r & Chikermane诉(2017)。清算Space for Multiple Voices: HIV Vulnerability amongst South Asian Immigrant Women in Toronto. Critical Studies in Gender, Culture, and Social Justice, 38 (1), 247-257.

Book Chapters:

Kteily-Hawa, R. & Gillis, R.J. (In Press). Community-Based Adult Education and Intervention Efforts to Promote Human Rights, Health Equity and Reduce HIV Infection Rates: The Response of a Vulnerable Stigmatized Community in Canada. In M. Alfred, P. Robinson & E. Roumell (Eds). Advancing the Global Agenda for Human Rights, Vulnerable Populations and Environmental Sustainability: Adult Education as Strategic Partner. Information Age Publishing.

Employment History


Adjunct Professor (July 2020-present).
Thompson Rivers University, School of Education, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Kamloops, British Columbia.

Assistant Professor, Tenure Stream (July 2020-present).
Brescia University College at Western University, Family Studies and Human Development, School of Behavioural and Social Sciences, London, Ontario.

Associate Scientist (2019-2022).
The Ontario HIV Treatment Network, Toronto, Ontario.


Assistant Professor, Tenure Stream (January 2020-June 2020).
Thompson Rivers University, School of Education, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Kamloops, British Columbia.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2016-2018).
Women's College Research Institute, Women's College Hospital, University of Toronto.
Research Focus: Assessment of mental health and resilience amongst women living withHIV using the Canadian HIV Women's Sexual & Reproductive Health Cohort Study (CHIWOS), funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).

Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Continuing Teacher Education, Faculty of Education.
Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Family Support, Faculty of Community Services.

Ontario Catholic and Public Schools of Education, Greater Toronto Area
Department Head, Family Studies (Grades 9-12).
Secondary School Teacher, Family Studies Department (Grades 9-12)
Secondary School Teacher, Science Department (Grades 9-12)


Editor and Reviewer (2016-2017).
Integrated Financial Literacy Units, Ontario Social Sciences and Humanities Curriculum, Grades 9-12, funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Curriculum Writer (2013-2015).
The Revised Ontario Social Sciences and Humanities Curriculum, Ontario Ministry of Education (Curriculum Maps & Units of Instruction).

Lead Curriculum Writer (2007-2008).
The Revised Ontario Social Sciences & Humanities Curriculum, Ontario Ministry of Education (Grade 12 Family Studies courses).

Lead Curriculum Writer (2003-2005). Family Support Program, Ryerson University (undergraduate level courses).

Courses Taught

Brescia University College at Western University, Family Studies and Human Development, School of Behavioural and Social Sciences.
FSHD 2240 (Special Topics in Early Childhood Development). Undergraduate Level.
EDUC 3325 (Diversity and the Canadian Family). Undergraduate Level.
EDUC 3350 (Special Topics in Human Sexuality Across the LifeSpan). Undergraduate Level.

Thompson Rivers University, School of Education, Faculty of Education and Social Work
EDUC 5400 (Principles and Processes of Educational Leadership). Graduate Level
EDUC 5440 (Understanding and Managing Conflict). Graduate Level.
EDUC 5010 (Research Methods). Graduate Level.

Queen's University, Continuing Teacher Education, Faculty of Education.
Intermediate Family Studies. Post Graduate Level.
Family Studies Part I. Post Graduate Level.

Ryerson University, Faculty of Community Services
Contemporary Family Issues I. Undergraduate Level.
Diversity in Canadian Families. Undergraduate Level.
Families, Power and Social Change. Undergraduate Level.

Ontario K-12 Catholic and Public Boards of Education
Family Studies & Social Sciences and Humanities courses (Grades 9-12)
Science courses (Grades 9-12)

Professional Affiliations


2020 Adelaide Hoodless Provincial Award for Excellence in Family Studies Education, OFSHEEA. Awarded.

2017 Canadian Association for HIV Research (CAHR) Annual Conference Scholarship for Best paper for an oral presentation in Community-Based Research and Participative Approaches. Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research Paper presentation, CAHR, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Awarded.

2015 Healthy Schools and Workplaces Champion Award for 7 years of service and commitment to Healthy Schools, York Region Public Health, Ontario. Awarded.


2021-23 Chair, Awards Committee, Arts-Based Educational Research SIG, American Educational Research Association (AERA).

2020-present Associate Editor, Progress in Community Health Partnerships, Johns Hopkins University Press

2020- 22 Vice President and Program Chair, Arts Researchers and Teachers Society (Special Interest Group of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies), Canadian Society for the Study of Education, CSSE.

2021 Chair, Alan Thomas Graduate Student Paper Award Committee, CASAE. Chairing graduate student paper adjudication committee. An International Research Conference (AEGT2021), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 3-6.

2020-22 Regional Member of Board of Directors, Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE). Contributed to resources on CASAE's webpage on anti-black racism, antiracism, and equity.


Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), 2020-present
- Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, CSSE
- Arts Researchers and Teachers Society, Special Interest Group (ARTS SIG)
- Canadian Association for Teacher Education (CATE), 2020-present
加拿大教育研究协会(CERA), 2020-present

American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2019-present
National Council on Family Relations (NCFR), U.S., 2017- present
Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE), 2017- present
International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE), 2014- present
Ontario College of Teachers (OCT), Canada. 2001- present
Ontario Family Studies Home Economics Educators' Association, Canada, 2001- present


Dr. R. Hawa is currently accepting new graduate students for supervision.


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