
Barbara Jean Buckley

Name:Dr. Barbara Jean Buckley
Position:Assistant Professor
Affiliation:Chair, R.A.R.H.


芭芭拉琼是护士教育家和健康随着有关cher with an interest in ethics. Currently she is an Assistant Professor at the Thompson Rivers University (TRU) School of Nursing. Barbara Jean's research and publication focus is on the moral climate of health care delivery and ethical policy making with a particular interest in the health impact on marginalized populations due to increasing health care inequities in rural and remote Canada. She is engaged in a program of research that is aimed at improving the moral climate of rural health care delivery and toward more socially just, equitable, and ethical health care policy development.

Nursing and Health Care

*Health Care Ethics
*Nursing Ethics
*Moral Work Environments
*Health Care Delivery and Moral Agency

Nursing Practice Interest and Expertise

* Rural Emergency Nursing
* Acute Medicine and Telemetry
* Maternal Child Health
* Mental Health and Addictions
* Gerontology
* Burns

Research Interests

Research and Scholarly Activity

* Ethics and Nursing Ethics
* Rural Health and Health Care Policy
* Moral Distress and Moral Climate
* Health Care Delivery and Health Care Provider Agency
* Critical Land-based Pedagogy
* Indigenous Research Methodology
* Rural Aging in Place

Current Research Grants

MSFHR Convening and Collaborating Grant C2 (Funded) ($20,000). Co-Lead Developing an Evidence and Community Informed Agenda for Rural Health Research in BC.
Co-Lead (Nov 2019-Nov 2020).

Interior Health Evidence Informed Practice Challenge Grant 2016:
Co-Principle Investigator (funded)
The General Practice Service Committee (GPSC) Residential Care Initiative and the Impact of Physician Attitudes on Engagement in Residential Care $ 15,000 (December 2016-Dec 2018).

CIHR: Planning and Dissemination Grant (funded)
The Entrepreneurial Activities of Citizen-Led Coalitions in Supporting Rural Older Adults in Healthcare: Developing a Research Agenda $20,000 (1 year May 2016-May 2017).

Indigenous Knowledge in Nursing: Coyote Teachings
Co-Investigator (funded) (3 year Jan 2018- Jan 2021).

CIHR Catalyst Grant: Indigenous Approaches to Wellness Research (funded) 2018-2021
Indigenous Wellness Knowledge in Action: Evaluation of Research Protocol, Process, Principles in Practice $149,544.


* Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD). The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. (2015).
* Master of Science in Nursing (MScN). The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. (2007).
* Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN). Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, BC. (2005).

Honours and Awards

* Canadian Bioethics Society Student Presentation Award (2013)
* Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Banting and Best Canada Scholar (2009-2014)
* University of British Columbia, Four Year Fellowship (2008-2012)
* University of British Columbia PhD Tuition Award (2007-2011)
* Ethel Johns & Isabel Maitland Stewart Memorial Scholarship (2008-2009)
* Frederick and Agnes Eatock Memorial Fellowship (2007-2008)
* Burroughs Welcome Student Research Award (2004)


Selected Publications

Rush, K.L, Chiasson, M., Butterfield, M., Straka, S, & Buckley, B.J. (2019). Recognition: Key to the entrepreneurial strategies of rural coalitions n advancing access to health care. International Journal for Equity in Health, 18:119-131.

Buckley, B.J. (2015). The structure and enactment of agency in the context of rural nursing practice. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. Available online at

Rodney, P., Buckley, B., Street, A., Serrano, E., & Martin, L.A. (2013). The moral climate of nursing practice: Inquiry and action. In Storch, J., Starzomski, R. & Rodney, P. (Eds.) Toward a moral horizon: Nursing ethics for leadership and practice (2nd ed.). Toronto: Pearson-Prentice Hall.

Rodney, P., Kenny, N., Buckley, B.J., Birkner, R., & Langlois, S. (2013). TVN Ethical Framework: Board Workbook for TVN Board Workshop. Toronto: Technology Evaluation in the Elderly Network.

Buckley, B.J. (2009). Engaging Team Members in Designing and Implementing Enhancements to the Matsqui Sumas Abbotsford and Royal Columbian Operating Room Suites Clinical Practice Environments: Final Report prepared for the Fraser Health Authority.

Selected Presentations

Buckley, B.J. (2018). Fostering Reciprocity: Enactment of Agency for Socially Just Rural Healthcare. 7th Annual International In Sickness and In Health Conference (ISIH), Rozelle Campus, University of Tasmania (hosted in Sydney, Australia).

Buckley, B.J. (2018). What is Research? What is Community Based Research? Presented at Giving Voice & Opportunity to Citizens and Community Partners to Inform and Advance Rural Health Research, Regional Alliance for Rural Health, NVIT, Merritt, BC.

Buckley, B.J. (2018). Medical Assistance in Dying. Invited guest lecture and workshop for the Gerontological Nurses Association of BC Kamloops Chapter, Kamloops, BC.

Buckley, B.J. (2018). Regional Alliance for Rural Health: A Brief History. Presented at Regional Alliance for Rural Health, Building Intersections for Vibrant Rural Communities 2018 Rural Health Services Research Conference, Nelson, BC.

Buckley, B.J. (2017). Medical Assistance in Dying: Implications for Nursing. Invited guest lecture TRU School of Nursing, Williams Lake Campus, Williams Lake, BC.

Buckley, B.J., & Earnshaw, A. (2017). Rural Proof of Concept. Regional Alliance for Rural Health, NVIT, Merritt, BC.

Buckley, B.J. (2017). Rural Citizen-Led Coalitions: Enabling Voice through Entrepreneurial Activity to Improve Health Care. Journeys in Nursing Scholarship, Sun Peaks, BC.

Buckley, B.J. (2017). Fostering Reciprocity: Enactment of Agency to Fill the Cracks in Rural Healthcare. Canadian Bioethics Conference, Montreal.

Clark, N., & Buckley, B.J. (2017). Exploration of intersecting vulnerabilities for conducting research with refugee groups in the Canadian context. Canadian Bioethics Conference, Montreal.

Buckley, B.J. (2016). Fostering Reciprocity: Enactment of Agency in Rural Healthcare Structures. 2016 Rural Health Services Research Conference, Kamloops.

Buckley, B.J. (2014). We're It: Enactment of Agency in Rural Health Care Structures. Concurrent Session at the 25th Annual Canadian Bioethics Society Conference, Vancouver, BC.

Buckley, B.J. (2013). Rural Health Care Structures and Enactment of Agency. Plenary Session at the 24th Canadian Bioethics Society Annual Conference, Banff, Alberta.

Buckley, B.J. (2010). The Concept of Moral Winter. Poster presentation at the 21st Canadian Bioethics Society Annual Conference, Kelowna, BC.

Buckley, B.J. & Rodney, P.A. (2009). Moral Distress. Invited two day workshop for the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions 14th Biennial Convention, Vancouver, BC.

Buckley, B.J. (February, 2008). Moral Winter. Invited plenary speaker at the 13th Annual Ethel Johns Research Day, Vancouver, BC.

Employment History

* Assistant Professor (tenure track) with Thompson Rivers University (TRU) School of Nursing. Barbara Jean has had many years of both clinical practice experience and research in several areas of nursing including: clinical ethics, acute medical, cardiac, ER, burns, maternal and child nursing, daycare surgery, rural health, substance misuse and addictions.

Courses Taught

Teaching Experience

* Nursing 1800: Professional Practice II: Foundations of the
Profession of Nursing (160 students) Fall 2015; 2016; 2017; 2019
* 1840年护理:护理实践II:先来w the
client (32 students for 117 hours of clinical practice)
Winter 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019.
* Nursing 4210: Nursing Practice 8: Transitioning to BScN
Graduate (17 students; 432/39 hours clinical/seminar)
Winter 2016; 2018; 2019; 2020
* Nursing 3600: Professional Practice: Nursing Research (36
* Nursing 3380: Consolidated Practice Experience CPE 3 (15
students in rural placements for 252 hours clinical
practice). Spring 2017; 2019
* Nursing 5100: Knowledge for Advanced Nursing (30 students).
Fall 2017; Fall 2018; Fall 2019
* Nursing 6100: Directed Studies Summer/ Fall 2018
* Nursing 4380: Community Health Nursing Engaging in Leadership Practice (18 students). Fall 2019

Professional Affiliations

Professional Organizations and Service

* Canadian Nursing Association, Member.
* British Columbia College of Nursing Professionals, Member.
* Western North-Western Region Canadian Association of
Schools of Nursing (WNRCASN), Member.
* Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Xi
Eta Chapter, Member.
* Canadian Bioethics Society, Member.
* Semester One Lead, TRU School of Nursing, Fall 2016
* Semester Eight Lead, TRU School of Nursing, Winter 2020
* Senator (Elected) Thompson Rivers University, July 2016- December 2017; January 2017- December 2020
* Provincial Advisory Board Member, The Rural Health Services Research Network of BC (RHSRNbc).
* Chair, Regional Alliance for Rural Health


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