
我们安静地开始了早晨,吃了一些食物,喝了一杯热饮。我们先互相打个招呼,当我们一个接一个到达时,我们看到这群人第一次形成。不过长老们先到的。他们在这之前就已经准备好了,他们一直在等待。这是很重要的工作。周围有长辈、教授、学生、管理人员和支持人员。一些丈夫,妻子和伴侣。几个小孩。教室之间有连接的双扇门。它们是张开的。 We see the room next door with a circle of desks, and chairs in front in an inner circle. There are symbols around the room — a map of Secwepemc Nation, bark baskets, a pine needle basket, the poster of First Peoples Principles of Learning, the artwork The Elders are Watching. The Elders move to the front door to the new room. We gather behind. Some of the senior scholars and community members can be seen moving to the back. Things become silent. A humming, tapping drumming begins. Smudging sage is lit. A reminder of women’s moontime is murmured. Elder Mike taps the heel of his eagle-headed walking stick and walks forward with our Elders Doreen, Estella and Margaret. We smudge, too, if able. We follow slowly, in the direction of Earth’s rotation. We pause when the Elders pause. We move forward when the Elders do. We enter the circle of chairs walking again the full circle to vacant seats. No one cuts across the circle. Everyone moves together and is learning through watching. We know there is a pattern to all of this, but no one holds a program in their hands. A few nods to confirm. A few gentle smiles and hand movements to reassure where to be. We remain standing. The words and prayers from the Elders begin. Knowledge Makers begins.




我们感谢Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc。
我们感谢T 'exelcemc和Xat 'súll。


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